An Introduction to the Novel Fast Drafting Method

By Writing Mastery Academy

Ready to put an end to endless revisions and writing projects left unfinished? Dive into the Fast Drafting Method with Jessica Brody, acclaimed author of Save the Cat! Writes a Novel and founder or Writing Mastery Academy. In this short course, Jessica introduces her proven technique for completing novels quickly, effortlessly, and effectively, drawing from her own experience of finishing first drafts in as little as 3-12 weeks.

Discover why so many writers never finish their novels

Learn about the fast drafting method and why it works

Learn techniques for how to move your draft forward without getting stuck on the details

Find out how to draft your work with a technique called invisible revising

Learn to embrace your messy first draft

How it works

  • This course is a primer to the Novel Fast Drafting Method, giving you everything you need, to finish your first draft without editing
  • The course is broken down into six short lessons with everything you need to complete this course. All content is available in the course player, which makes it easy to navigate between lessons.
  • Through this course, Jessica Brody will teach you all the basics of novel fast drafting in an easy-to-digest format.

Meet your teacher

Jessica Brody is an internationally bestselling author with over 20 novels under her belt, catering to readers of all ages. Renowned for her #1 bestselling plotting guide, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, Jessica's works have been published with publishing houses like Simon & Schuster, Random House, and Macmillan, as well as Disney Press. With a global reach spanning 23 countries and adaptations of her novels for film and TV, Jessica is eager to share her expertise through Writing Mastery Academy, where she unveils a treasure trove of strategies and tools designed to elevate writers' skills and aspirations.

This course is jam packed

Writing Mastery Academy

Writing Mastery Academy empowers writers to overcome hurdles and elevate their craft with unrestricted access to an array of on-demand writing courses and interactive webinars spanning every facet of the writing journey. Complemented by a vibrant and encouraging online writing community, this platform serves as a haven for writers seeking growth and camaraderie. Established by Jessica Brody, acclaimed author of the bestselling guide Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, Writing Mastery Academy offers tailored courses suitable for writers of all stripes.