Write to Play: Rediscover the Joy of Writing

By Carl Burkitt

“If we are going to write our whole lives, we’d better remember to have some fun.” This captures the essence of Carl’s approach to writing. It must be fun. This course is about allowing ourselves to write as an act of joy, without giving it too much weight. If we can get comfortable with that, all our writing improves.

Fall back in love with the act of writing

Find time to write for the hell of it

Create a care-free writing habit (without the pressure)

Discover fun techniques to beat writer’s block

Be armed with a year’s supply of writing games

How it works

  • Each lesson starts with some wise words from Carl, then sets up a writing game that you'll play every day that week. These games are designed to rekindle your joy of writing - they don’t take long, and Carl will teach you how to find that time.
  • Everything you need to complete this course, including the writing games and any additional resources, will be in your Novlr account as soon as you sign up. The course is fully integrated, so you’ll do the entire course in Novlr. There’s a player that makes it easy to navigate between lessons, and the course page gives you all the info and space you need to focus on your learning.
  • All you need to do is find a few minutes a day, and a willingness to have fun with your writing!

Meet your teacher

Carl Burkitt likes telling tales. He tells long tales, short tales, silly tales, sad tales, and tells them online, behind a mic, in books, in schools, and on the sofa with his young family. He is a poet in residence for beer magazine Opening Times, lifestyle magazine Cheshire Engaged, and The Cheadle Post newspaper. His work has appeared in Pan Macmillan's Book of Hope, and he regularly hosts workshops to encourage writing among both children and adults. Carl is a multifaceted artist, and his talents extend beyond the written word. He is a Poet Chef for the Poetry Takeaway, creating bespoke poems for individuals, and is a featured performer for spoken word night Rhymes With Orange, and his children’s poetry can be found in The Dirigible Balloon and The Toy Press. When he's not writing or performing, he's a dedicated father, a wrestling fan, and someone who dislikes writing about himself in the third person.

This course is jam packed