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What is Criticism?

The analysis and evaluation of literature or other creative works.

Criticism: Analyzing and Evaluating the Power of Literature

Criticism is the study of creative works through analysis and evaluation. It can involve anything from the plot, setting, and characters to the tone, symbolism, and language used by the author.

When it comes to creative writing, criticism is a powerful tool for refining one's own work and gaining new perspectives on the stories, poems, and essays crafted by others. By analyzing the choices made by authors and assessing the effectiveness of different techniques, critics help us to better understand and appreciate the power of literature.

Of course, criticism is not limited to literature alone. It can be applied to any type of creative work, from music and film to art and dance. It's all about exploring the choices made by the creator and discovering the meaning and impact behind each work of art.

Criticism in Action: Exploring Two Literary Examples

Criticism plays a big role in the world of literature, helping us to better understand and appreciate the works of authors from all walks of life.

Example 1: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Through close analysis of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, critics have explored the themes of wealth, power, and the elusive American dream.

Example 2: The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

In his celebrated poem, The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot employs a wide range of literary and cultural references to create a complex vision of a world in crisis.