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What is a Literary Agent?

A professional who represents and negotiates on behalf of writers and their written works to publishers.

The Wordsmith's Ally: What is a Literary Agent?

Every successful writer needs a literary agent, a professional who works tirelessly to represent and negotiate on behalf of writers and their written works to publishers. Acting as the indispensable middlemen of the literary world, they utilize their extensive industry contacts, skills in negotiation, and knack for marketing and promotion to serve as the voice of the writer in the publishing industry. A good literary agent is committed to their client's success, offering support through every step of the publication process, from manuscript development all the way to film and TV rights negotiations. Whether you're a new or experienced author, a literary agent can be a trusted ally in navigating the complex and ever-changing landscape of the publishing world.

From Emily to Stephen: Literary Agent in Action

Take a look at how literary agents play a vital role in the publishing world with these two examples.

Emily Bronte

Although one of the most precious literary gems in the world now, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights was initially rejected by publishers before her literary agent secured a revised edition's publication.

Stephen King

After his first book Carrie became a best-seller, Stephen King's literary agent encouraged him to quit his day job and focus solely on writing.