Built by writers, run by writers, owned by writers

Be part of building a collaborative platform that empowers you to take charge of your creative destiny, shape the future of creative writing, and own the platform you use to tell your stories.

Making the world a better place for writers

Novlr has one mission: empowering you to achieve your writing goals. Our progress has been fueled by the incredible community of over 70,000 writers who have told their stories with Novlr, and co-ownership is our first step to providing a platform that matches your ambitions.

Traditional, extractive tech platforms take money from their writers but don’t give back. This power imbalance starts at the very beginning of a writer’s career and carries all the way to the top. We believe there is a better way to do it; by building a creative-writing platform that is owned by writers and, therefore, focuses on what’s important to us.

Become a Co-owner

Our last 24h in numbers

We’re having an impact already!

New writers

Projects started

Words written

We’re stronger together

Writers the world over are already using their collective voices to fight for a fairer system, and it’s only a matter of time before more creatives look to platforms like Novlr to lead the charge at the grassroots level. Sharing ownership with you is our first step.

Together, we have an opportunity to reshape the writing industry and create a more inclusive, supportive, and rewarding ecosystem that caters specifically to writers.

Novlr with co-ownership

A platform without co-ownership

We prioritise writersThey prioritise shareholders
We will fairly distribute profitsThey are extractive by design
Our interests are aligned with our writersTheir focus is platform first, writers second
We are one big team, working with our writersThey see writers as customers first
We are in it for the long termThey prioritise short-term churn of sales
There is no limit to our ambitionThey are limited by what is considered profitable

Meet the team

Novlr has one mission: empowering you to achieve your writing goals. We know your aspirations extend far beyond simply putting words on a page, and co-ownership is our first step to providing a platform that matches your ambitions.

Thomas Muirhead

Thomas Muirhead


I’ve been passionate about making this happen for so long. Some might say too long. I wish we’d done co-ownership sooner!

I have a vision of us reaching a scale where we can make shifts in how the creative-writing world works, and I’m really excited to work with you all on this. I’ve built things before — primarily in the non-profit world — and know just how special a team we have built.

Novlr has already surpassed my initial expectations, but your drive and love of what you do have made it clear that we’ve barely scratched the surface.

Kim Montgomery

Kim Montgomery


Thomas and I founded Novlr in 2015, and from the day we started, we knew that our focus would be serving the writing community.

We’ve always relied on our relationship with our writers to inform how Novlr grows and develops. Coming from a career in the charity sector, working in digital teams and senior leadership, co-ownership feels like the coming together of multiple strengths and passions of mine — sleek tech, a smart business model, and, most importantly, making a positive change in the world.

Pamela Koehne-Drube

Pamela Koehne-Drube

Community Lead

As a professional ghostwriter and editor, I’ve had first-hand experience with every part of the writing and publishing process, from fledgeling writers just starting out, to working with some of the Big Five publishers. It’s a crazy industry, but one that I love despite all its flaws.

Being so ingratiated in the industry, however, has given me a front-row seat to just how unequal the system is. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there for writers, and having a space that puts writers first, that is ours, and supports us on our journeys is more important than ever. I’m so proud to be part of a writer-owned platform like Novlr, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store as we continue to grow with our community! Co-ownership is just the first step.

Josh Allen

Josh Allen

Head of Product

Joining the Novlr team has allowed me to see firsthand the passion and dedication that goes into creative writing. As a tech person, it's been incredible to watch a writer’s journeys unfold.

Co-ownership, to me, is about building a stronger relationship with our writers. We're not just creating a platform for our writers at Novlr - we're creating it with them. By working together as a community, we can build the best possible writer experience and help more writers find success.

The Novlr Community

The Novlr Community

Novlr is nothing without our writers. Since we first started in 2015, our distraction-free, goals-led approach has fostered a dedicated and supportive community.

It’s the community that helped us get off the ground when we first started development, and have kept the platform going in the years since. Co-ownership is a way for us to give back, include you in all our future decisions and developments, and really cement Novlr as a writers-first platform.

The details

View our Letter of Intent.

The Novlr plan

Why co-ownership?

How will co-ownership work?

Co-owner credits and contributions

Are you ready to join?

Take the leap with us on this co-ownership journey to get more writers achieving their goals than ever before. Help us build a platform that works with writers, gives you what you need, and shapes the future of creative writing by sharing our successes. Be part of a community where your voice matters.

Together, let's build a future where writers' voices are heard, your aspirations are realised, and your stories are celebrated!

Become a Co-owner

Q and A


What makes co-ownership a good idea?


Why should I join now?


How can I stay informed and ask questions about co-ownership?


How can I contribute as a co-owner?


Will co-ownership affect Novlr's pricing?


Can I become a co-owner if I'm not a Novlr user?


Can I cancel my co-ownership?


How will Novlr ensure fair and transparent decision-making among co-owners?


Are there any limitations or restrictions on co-ownership?


What happens if Novlr doesn't reach the necessary number of co-owners for a trust or coop?


Can I transfer or sell my co-ownership to someone else?


What rights and responsibilities do co-owners have to Novlr (and vice versa)?


What happens if Novlr introduces platform or policy changes that I disagree with as a co-owner?


How will Novlr ensure that co-owners have equal opportunities to contribute and participate in decision-making?


What happens if Novlr decides to discontinue or shut down the platform in the future?


Can I upgrade my co-ownership status or increase my stake in the platform over time?


How will Novlr ensure transparency and accountability in the distribution of profits among co-owners?