Kim Montgomery

Written by

Kim Montgomery

8 September 2021


Novlr are NaNoWriMo Epic Sponsor 2021

We are thrilled to announce that we are official NaNoWriMo Epic Sponsor 2021.

NaNoWriMo is a cornerstone of the Novlr year. It was the first event back in 2015 that we really got to know and join in with the writing community. Since first sponsoring in 2019, we have been thrilled to be able to continually support so many writers around the world with their writing goals.

What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an annual event in which writers commit to writing a 50,000-word novel between November 1st and 30th. It has been going for 22 years! And it began as a challenge between friends. Now it is a giant, global event with nearly half a million participants each year.

It’s simple: starting after midnight in your time zone on November 1, writers begin, and keep going for as many hours a day as they can to attempt to finish by end of the month. Spread out, it is 1667 words per day. The idea is to write a new novel or rewrite an old one. Whilst they enourage you to do this than continue a work-in-progress but the event has grown and morphed so much that if that’s the motivation you need to carry on your WIP – you go for it.

How do you win NaNoWriMo?

To “Win”, you need to finish the 50,000 words before midnight on the 30th November (local time). Winners receive exclusive offers and deals for many services and products – including 40% off Novlr for two years! (We also offer all participants 40% off for 12 months so it’s worth signing up just for that.)

To win, it’s a good idea to do some planning beforehand (this is encourage and some spend the whole of month before doing so, in so-called Preptember). It’s also a good idea to plan how you will make it work during the month with a schedule or idea of what kind of writing habits you are going to try and adapt to.

Author Crystal Kamm offered some great advice about treating NaNoWriMo like a fitness challenge in her blog which would be a great place to start if you don’t know if you’re ready.

How to get the Novlr discount

Because we’re a NaNoWriMo Epic Sponsor, all NaNoWriMo participants can get 40% off Novlr for 12 months. To get the deal, just create your account at the NaNoWriMo web site and go to “Sponsor offers” where you will find the Novlr offer. If you then go onto win – you can extend that discount to a whole two years.

If you decide to take part, best of luck, we’ll be rooting for you.