Scribe Forge

Everyone who wants to write a book should! We create guides and workbooks for fantasy, sci-fi, and romantasy writers to reduce overwhelm and get your novel written faster. Go from being stressed out with information overload and underdeveloped rough drafts to creating clear, realistic, fleshed-out worlds, characters, and stories in a matter of weeks. Build a universe, create your characters, and develop page-turning arcs to write the novel you’ve always dreamed of.

Why we love Scribe Forge

I discovered Scribe Forge a few years ago and immediately bought their worldbuilding workbook. It turned out to be an amazing resource and got me out of many a writing slump. Their workbooks ask insightful questions about the story worlds and characters you want to build out, leading your imagination to create something that feels full and finished. Everything they do, including their writer's block workbook, is dedicated to serving your story. It’s all about improving and building on your active writing projects, which is what makes them so brilliant.

Pamela Koehne-Drube

Community Lead

The Essential Character Creation Blueprint and Workbook

The ultimate guide to creating memorable characters that readers love (made for fantasy, sci-fi, and romantasy writers). Step-by-step worksheets turn your existing characters into unforgettable powerhouses that keep readers turning the page long after they should have gone to sleep. Available in print, PDF, or Word (which can be imported into Novlr).

Save 15% with our discount link.

The Essential Worldbuilding Blueprint and Workbook

Turn the ideas swirling in your head into a realistic world that readers will love to binge. All without getting overwhelmed or demotivated. Use the worksheets in the format that works best for you: print, PDF, or Word (which can be imported into Novlr).

Save 15% with our discount link.

Smash Writer’s Block Prompt Book

Writer's block means something has gone wrong in your story—you just don't know what yet. These prompts will help you uncover the problem, fix it, and improve your novel. No more time wasted being stuck.

Save 15% with our discount link.

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