How To Create a Plot Outline In Five Easy Steps

Plot outline - Novlr quick tips

Creating a plot outline may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this blog post, we will guide you through five easy steps that will help you breathe life into your story and lay the foundation for a remarkable narrative.

1. Think of a premise

Every story needs to start somewhere, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Coming up with a premise is as simple as asking”What if?”

What if four writers spent the night in a haunted house? What if humans evolved wings?

It’s that simple! Now you have a story premise.

2. Get to know your characters

Your characters are the backbone of your plot, so knowing who they are, and what they want is a great first step in outlining your story.

Create character profiles. Consider their inner and outer lives. What are their goals, motivations, and conflicts? What are their relationships, and how do they come into conflict with each other and their world?

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3. Develop a setting

Your story setting is more than just where the action happens. It’s an integral part of your plot, and arguably, as important as your characters!

Determine where your story is told, and ask why it’s the ideal place to tell this story. How do your characters relate to their world, and how does it factor into their goals, motivations, and conflicts?

4. Create a timeline

A timeline of events is just one part of creating a compelling plot, but it’s the part most people think of when you say the word ‘outline.’

Once you have your premise, characters and setting worked out, you need to determine what happens in your story, so a brainstormed timeline of your plot’s main events gives you a beginning, a middle, and an end — a strong foundation on which to build a more layered narrative.

5. Brainstorm some scenes

Now that you know your plot’s main events, think of some important scenes that might happen within that plot. What needs to happen to get you from point A to point B?

Brainstorming scenes that will move your story along lets you set your narrative’s pace. Place those scenes in your timeline to get a clearer picture of where your story might need more developing, or is too packed with content.

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