How to Write a Slow Burn Romance

How to write a slow burn romance - Novlr quick tips

Slow burn romance allows for a gradual, organic development of feelings. They often mirror real-life relationships, where emotions and attraction develop over time, create intense anticipation, and build emotional connections with readers.

Slow burns allow for in-depth exploration of characters’ emotions, insecurities, and personal growth. As readers invest in the characters’ journeys, the eventual romantic payoff becomes more rewarding. Let’s look at how to write characters in a slow burn romance novel.

How do they behave?

  • They may start off as friends or acquaintances before realizing their deeper feelings.
  • They might be hesitant to express their emotions openly, leading to moments of internal conflict.
  • Their actions towards each other should be filled with subtle hints and gestures.
  • They may experience jealousy or possessiveness towards one another.
  • They might engage in playful banter and teasing as a way to mask their true feelings.

How do they interact?

  • They may have frequent encounters that gradually increase in intensity.
  • They might have deep conversations that reveal their fears and vulnerabilities.
  • They could have intimate moments that create a strong emotional connection.
  • They might share secrets and confide in each other more than others.
  • Their interactions should be filled with anticipation and unresolved sexual tension.

Describe their body language

  • Lingering touches, or accidental brushing against skin.
  • Frequently locking eyes across a room.
  • Nervous gestures, like biting their lips or fidgeting.
  • Leaning in and unconsciously seeking proximity.
  • Become more relaxed and comfortable over time.
  • Mimicking each other’s gestures or body language
  • Blushing or flushed cheeks

Describe their attitude

  • They may have a love-hate relationship, alternating between attraction and frustration.
  • Their attitude might evolve from indifference to fascination and infatuation.
  • They might initially resist their feelings, denying the growing connection.
  • They can have moments of self-doubt and a fear of rejection.
  • Their attitude should gradually shift towards acceptance and vulnerability.

Common slow burn romance tropes

  • Friends-to-Lovers: The characters start as friends, and their relationship gradually develops into a romantic one.
  • Enemies-to-Lovers: The characters initially dislike or have conflicts with each other, but over time, their feelings transform into love.
  • Forbidden Love: The characters face obstacles or societal boundaries that prevent them from being together.
  • Second Chance Romance: The characters have a history together, and their paths cross again, giving them a chance to rekindle their feelings.
  • Opposites Attract: The characters have contrasting personalities or backgrounds, leading to initial friction but eventually finding common ground.
  • Workplace Romance: The characters work together and initially keep their feelings hidden due to professional boundaries.

Positive story outcomes

In positive story outcomes of a slow burn romance, the characters finally confess their love for each other, leading to a happily ever after. Their relationship deepens, nurturing a strong and lasting bond. Together, they overcome obstacles, demonstrating the true strength of their connection. The slow burn romance sparks personal growth and self-discovery for the characters, as they learn to navigate their emotions and overcome their fears. Through patience and perseverance, the story highlights the importance of cherishing and fighting for love.

Negative story outcomes

While slow burn romances often have positive outcomes, negative story outcomes aren’t unheard of. In these scenarios, the characters may realise their feelings too late, missing out on a chance for true love. Their relationship can become strained due to misunderstandings and lack of communication, leading to a sense of longing and regret. One of the characters may choose to move on, leaving the other heartbroken. The slow burn romance becomes a source of pain and unrequited love, exploring the bittersweet nature of their connection. These negative outcomes serve to evoke a deeper emotional impact and highlight the importance of timing, communication, and seizing opportunities in matters of the heart.

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