How to Write Envy: A Quick Guide for Writers

How to write envy - Novlr quick tips

If someone has something, either an object or an attribute, that your character covets, they may show signs of envy. You can show envy through associated emotions and your characters’ behaviours and expressions.

How do they behave?

  • Compare themselves to others
  • A dismissive attitude
  • Downplay the achievements of others
  • Frustration or disbelief at others’ success
  • Show signs of longing or desire
  • Show grudging admiration
  • Exhibit copycat behaviour
  • Show signs of low self-esteem
  • Be excessively competitive
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How do they interact?

  • Mock and belittle the person they envy
  • Be overly critical
  • Be passive aggressive
  • Be insincerely complimentary
  • Use sarcasm when talking about the achievements of others
  • Be obsessive or hyperfocused
  • Use manipulation to get what they want
  • Forget about personal boundaries
  • Rude or short in conversation

Describe their body language

  • Closed off and arms crossed
  • Frequently roll their eyes
  • Avoid direct eye contact
  • Tensed muscles
  • Biting lips or pouting
  • Disapproving facial expression
  • Red cheeks through anger or embarrassment
  • Leaning closer to the object of their desire
  • False smiles
  • Genuine joy when they’re in the presence of what they desire

Positive outcomes

Envious characters can become motivated to improve themselves to make them worthy of what they desire. If their envy becomes uncontrollable, they may also find personal growth in removing themselves from the situation and finding a new direction in life. It also allows characters the chance to develop empathy toward the person whom they envy or who possesses something that they covet, letting them finally appreciate what they already have.

Negative Outcomes

Long-term envy can lead to lots of negative emotions like resentment, anger, and low self-esteem. This will affect relationships with those around them, leading them to break down or require conflict resolution in order to overcome.

Useful Synonyms

  • Jealous
  • Covetous
  • Resentful
  • Grudging
  • Begrudging
  • Green-eyed
  • Yearning
  • Desirous
  • Longing
  • Grasping
  • Greedy
  • Hungering
  • Thirsting
  • Avaricious
  • Craving
  • Malcontent
  • Dissatisfied
  • Lustful
  • Wistful
  • Discontent
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