Novlr Academy

Boost your writing skills with Novlr Academy. Learn while you write with fully integrated courses and achieve your writing goals in a fun and interactive way.

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Through the Novlr Academy, you have access to a variety of courses for writers at every stage of their writing journeys. Whether you’re just starting out, are ready to publish, or just want to write for fun, we have something for every budding author.

With Novlr’s full course integration, you can learn while you write. No matter where you are, or on what device, your courses will be directly at your fingertips. It’s never been easier to learn!

All courses

Couch to 80k Creative Writing Bootcamp

by Tim Clare

61 lessons

53 audios

In this 8-week audio course, brought to you by writer and poet, Tim Clare, you’ll find inspiration, encouragement, and daily writing exercises that take just 10 minutes a day. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, this course will get you writing. And best of all, it’s completely free!

Write to Play: Rediscover the Joy of Writing

by Carl Burkitt

62 lessons

6 videos

“If we are going to write our whole lives, we’d better remember to have some fun.” This captures the essence of Carl’s approach to writing. It must be fun. This course is about allowing ourselves to write as an act of joy, without giving it too much weight. If we can get comfortable with that, all our writing improves.

Write a Non-Fiction Book Proposal

by Lydia Yadi

24 lessons

24 audios

To get a non-fiction book published, you don't need to have written a whole book. in this genre, what you need is a book proposal. Book proposals give publishers a clear sense of what a book is about, what it will address, and why you are the best person to write that book.

I love Tim Clare's Creative Writing Bootcamp. Whenever I'm short on inspiration, or need something to jumpstart my creative brain, I always do a couple of lessons and it helps generate so many amazing ideas! It's the writing buddy I've always wanted.

Pamela K

Pamela K

Novlr user since October 2015

Writing Tips

Don't have time for a full course? Check out the Reading Room for writing tips and insights from writers at all stages of their writing journeys. From character development to plot structure, the Reading Room has everything you need to take your writing to the next level.

Publishing Tips

Ready to share your writing with the world? The Reading Room also offers publishing tips and advice to help you navigate the complex world of publishing. From finding an agent to marketing your book, we've got you covered.